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Written by BATHROOM, How To

How to Remove Peeling Bathtub Paint?

peeling bathtub paint

Many different factors might produce chips and peeling bathtub paint. Indeed, mishaps are sometimes inevitable. However, if your tub needs repair, you may give it a fresh coat of paint and a new appearance. On the other hand, if the flaking is widespread, you may need to strip the paintwork of the tub.

In this case, the issue becomes how to remedy the situation of a bathtub with paint that is peeling.

You’ll need to use one of many techniques to get the paint off a bathtub. The minimum for removing paint is the paint remover, scouring pad, clean cloth, and hot water.

Why is my Bathtub Peeling?

Possible causes of peeling in a reglazed bathtub include chips in the surface. In addition, a fresh coat of paint can seep in and weaken the old one to the point where it starts flaking off.

A chipped bathtub peeling surface might result from a hard drop to using abrasive cleaners or scouring pads. Refinishing errors, such as not allowing the glaze enough opportunity to cure or dry, may also cause peeling.

bath tub peeling
Photo Credit: Canva

The surface may have needed to be adequately cleansed or prepared to take on the glaze. Peeling bathtub paint or chipping may also be caused by sudden changes in temperature, such as when you turn on the hot water after using the cold, by high water pressure, and by regular use and wear.

However, water is the most prevalent cause of paint peeling. Peeling bathtub paint occurs when moisture gets through the paint and into the drywall. Since the paint becomes more porous with age, the cycle continues as more and more paint peels.

How to Fix Peeling Bathtub?

When you look down and see the paint on your bathtub peeling fix, it may be a real downer, especially if you like soaking in a hot tub at the end of a long day. So it’s advisable to scrape off the flaking paint and give it a fresh coat in the color of your choice.

However, the method for removing paint from your tub will vary depending on its construction. There are only so many approaches that can be used to get rid of all of them. In the following paragraphs, we will examine the best methods for repairing bathtub paint peeling is dangerous that is beginning to peel.

1. Take Off Paint From an Acrylic Bathtub

The tubs are made of acrylic, which scratches easily but is resistant to dirt and grime. However, the paint may be dissolved and degraded if multiple cleaning chemicals and solvents are used for its removal.

Using paper towels to soak up as much of the new paint as possible before cleaning the tub with a vinegar-based cleaner. For easily damaged surfaces like acrylic paintings, liquid washing detergent is your best bet.

Take Off Paint From an Acrylic Bathtub
Photo Credit: Canva

If paint splatters are on the edge of your tub, use more hot water than the recommended two inches. In addition, it is recommended that you add three oz of liquid laundry detergent for every two inches of water used. Allow the detergent to sit overnight to give the paint a fighting chance of coming free.

Then, using a soft sponge, scrub the paint spots vigorously. It’s best to empty the tub or leave the solution on the stain if you want it to continue working while you wash.

After this first application, keep the tub’s inside and outside moist with hot water to prevent the paintwork from drying and chilling. Next, sprinkle some baking soda on the spot and let it sit for ten minutes to absorb the moisture.

Put vinegar on the carpet by spraying it on. Then, with the help of the foaming action of the vinegar and baking soda, any leftover paint is easily scrubbed away. To get rid of stubborn paint spots, pour vinegar over a sponge and wipe while the reaction bubbles.

2. To Paint Off a Porcelain Bathtub

Porcelain is resistant to damage from most common home cleansers and chemicals. However, unintentional paint splatters or flaking paint may be cleaned off a porcelain bathtub using a scrape or sharp blade.

Acid or rubbing alcohol may loosen oil- or water-based paint, respectively. Soak a sponge in the solvent and massage it over the affected region. Instead, try using an industrial paint remover. Then, use a paintbrush to dab the paint remover onto the stained area.

To Paint Off a Porcelain Bathtub
Photo Credit: Canva

After approximately 10 minutes, the paint should start bubbling and peeling bathtub paint off the tub’s surface. Try a second if the first coat of paint remover doesn’t do the trick.

Make use of a scraper or razor blade to remove the loose paint. To eliminate any leftover paint thinner, wash the tub with warm soapy water and rinse it well.

Always use protective clothing and equipment, such as plastic hand covering, eye protection, and a respirator mask, while working with corrosive chemicals and solvents.

3. Taking the Paint Off a Cast Iron Bathtub

Porcelain or enamel coatings are the norms when protecting cast-iron bathtubs from rust and corrosion. Paint may be used inside and outside of an older cast iron tub. Inevitably, they will need to be refinished.

Before commencing the paint removal process, you should thoroughly clean the tub with dish soap and a slightly abrasive sponge to remove any built-up dirt and grime. The painted surface of cast iron may be removed using steel wool or sandpaper.

Taking the Paint Off a Cast Iron Bathtub
Photo Credit: Canva

When hand buffing paints off cast iron, it’s essential to keep the surface clean by wiping away the dust regularly using a damp cloth in a circular motion. Use an electric sander instead of a paint stripper to get rid of old paint.

Applying a new coat of paints, varnish, or refinisher oil is all it takes to restore your cast-iron tub’s original shine. Any local hardware store or home improvement center should provide the components you need to give your furniture a fresh coat of paint.

FAQs on Peeling Bathtub Paint

What to do if Bathtub is Peeling?

Apply a thin layer of acrylics urethane varnish spray paint on the bare area. Spray paint may be part of a bathtub repair kit.

How much does it Cost to Repair a Peeling Tub?

Prices for refinishing porcelain bathtubs range from $450 to $600, on average, $475. However, you want to prevent shattering the shell of your fiberglass tub during the reglazing process. In that case, you’ll need to follow a different procedure than you would for tubs constructed of other materials.

How do you cover up Peeling Paint in a Bathtub?

You may fix the tub’s peeling surfaces by repairing holes or cracks, washing them well, and priming them. Repaint the cover per the manufacturer’s directions as soon as it has dried.

Can you Reglaze a Peeling Bathtub?

Second coats are only as good as the surface they are applied to. Therefore, cleaning and etching the bath tub peeling thoroughly and repair any peeling, dents, or nicks before applying the second coat.

Why is the Enamel coming off my Bath?

If you have hard water or drink a lot of coffee, your enamel may suffer from mineral deposits over time. As a result, enamel wears out gradually over time.

Is a Peeling Bathtub Dangerous?

An outdated tub poses a risk of lead poisoning. This is because lead may be present in the paint on an older bathtub, and as that paint begins to flake off, the lead can enter the air.

Bath Tub Peeling: Conclusion

You have a few options when it comes to removing peeling bathtub paint. You can sand down the color, use a chemical stripper, or heat the stain with a hair dryer and scrap it off. Of course, if you want to avoid putting in the elbow grease, you can always hire a professional to do it for you.

Read Also:

How much does it Cost to Resurface a Bathtub?
Types of Bathtubs – Ultimate Guide 2023
How much Water does a Bathtub Hold?
