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Written by How To

How To Wash A Duvet – Complete Guide

How To Wash A Duvet

Washing a duvet in the right way is not as easy as it seems to be. Many people would probably think washing it must be a regular thing, and they can wash it in a usual pattern, but that’s not the case. One needs to follow specific steps to clean a duvet; otherwise, you will not be able to wash the stain and dirt out of the duvet. This detailed guideline will help you in finding out about the step-by-step process of the way through which you can wash a duvet, so keep reading.

What is a Duvet?

Many people use the terms duvet and comforter interchangeably. The simplest way to find out whether you have a duvet or a comforter is to know that a duvet comes with two pieces a cover and an insert, usually filled with down, feather, or wool. A comforter is a single piece and doesn’t require a cover, works as a quilted blanket, and is made of synthetic fibers. It’s right to say if you have an insert that needs a cover, it’s probably a duvet.

Items that you Need to Wash a Duvet

Before you are up for washing, make sure that you have all the items you’ll require to wash your duvet insert. This contains two or three tennis balls, clean socks, a drying rack or clothesline (optional), and a good detergent for washing.

Washing queen- or king-sized duvets in an extra-large capacity front-loading washer and dryer is recommended. These will be available at the laundromat, although they cost a bit more than the average size washer and dryer.

Don’t forget that duvets come in different sizes, so it is better to check out the care instructions on the label before you decide to go for a home wash. Some duvets may recommend expert cleaning or special care to give a wash. The below guide will help you through the process you don’t know how to do yourself.

Items that you Need to Wash a Duvet

Image Source: rd.com

Look for Pre Treat Stains

Duvet wash can get easy and look all new and fresh if you look for pre-treat stains before washing. Look through your bedding correctly to find any small or large stains that require a little more attention. This is an excellent time to look for small rips or tears since the primary goal is to clean your bedding, not the duvet fill out of your washer.

Put Bedding in the Washer

Before putting your duvet in the washing machine, make sure to remove the duvet cover. You’ll have to spread the bedding out as much as possible within your machine, so in case you’re shoving it into the machine as it seems small, then it would be suggested to take it to a laundromat for a larger washer.

Putting Tennis Ball in the Washer

Now you need to put all tennis balls in a clean sock and attach it to stop the tennis ball from coming out. You can put these in the washer with your bedding for additional agitation to help remove sweat, body oils, and dirt from your duvet.

Adding Laundry Detergent

You must use probably half an average amount of soap and pour it into the machine’s detergent dispenser. It is best not to use liquid softener and bleach, and don’t pour detergent on the bedding itself.

Run the Washer after Setting the Cycle

Now, as you need to wash your duvet, soo just set the washer to a gentle, warm water cycle. In case your machine has the option, go for an extra rinse and spin cycle.

Removing and Checking for Soap Residue

Take out your duvet from the wash and for any soap residue. In case you feel there is some soap residue or see suds, wash your duvet without soap or put it through another rinse and spin cycle.

Move to the Dryer

Once you’ve sure, there is no soap residue in your duvet left, slowly remove it from the washer and move it to an appropriate-sized dryer. Set the dryer to a low or air-dry setting and start the process of drying. If you don’t want to put it in a dryer, it is best to leave your duvet to air dry on a clothesline or drying rack.

Checking the Dryer

When your duvet is in the dryer, check on it to see if the fluff is distributed in a balanced manner. You may also require to take it out and hand fluff it while ensuring it doesn’t feel too hot. It can take three or more hours for your bedding to dry properly.

When it feels light, you can assume that it’s dry and then fill spread in it properly. In case you’re not sure it’s dry yet, toss it in the dryer for some extra time. It’s precisely like drying a pillow after washing, duvets that aren’t completely dry risk terrible odor.

Wash the Rest

Once your duvet is completely dry, you can remove it from the dryer and be prepared to wash your pillows or work on getting your sheets white again.

Significant Things to Remember While Washing a Duvet

  • Stains on duvets should be removed as soon as possible.
  • If the filling of your duvet is feather or down, it is best to isolate the stain.
  • It’s best to wash your duvet once or twice a year at maximum. There is no need to wash it every other day as you do with your bedsheets.
  • Feather duvets should be washed with a small amount of detergent on a gentle, warm cycle. There is no need to add brighter or bleach. Just put in one or two washing balls to make sure that the feathers remain packed in a balanced way.
  • Wool duvets can be washed on a wool cycle with wool-friendly detergent; later, you can go for a spin-dry to release any held water.
  • Silk duvets should not be machine or hand washed. Instead, they should be adequately covered and spot cleaned when there’s a stain or dirt mark.


If you were wondering can you wash duvets previously and was looking for suitable ways to do it, then we can hope that this article will be good enough to help you out with all your queries. In case anyone has any more questions, then feel free to contact us. We will love to help you out with your issues.

FAQs – How To Wash A Duvet

Can You Put a Duvet in the Washing Machine?

Yes, you can wash a duvet in the washing machine, but keep in mind that it is up to the material used to manufacture the duvet. Like if it is made of silk, then you can’t do that. The best option is to read the instruction attached to your duvet.

Does Washing a Duvet Ruin it?

If your duvet is made of cotton or a cotton blend, it can be washed in the machine. It is best to read the instructions attached with the duvet so you don’t accidentally ruin it.

Can You Put A Duvet In The Dryer?

Yes, you can put a duvet in the dryer after making sure that the soap residue is not there anymore.

Is It Better To Wash or Dry Clean A Duvet?

If your duvets have solid and hard stains, you need to go for the dry cleaning option. Otherwise, you can wash them in a machine without any being worried.

How Can I Freshen My Duvet Without Washing It?

You can do it by making the bed. Put your comforter in order to remove any folds and create a flat surface. Mist the surface of the duvet properly with a fresh wave odor removing spray.

Why Does My Duvet Smell After Washing?

After washing your duvet will smell very fresh. It also depends on the detergent you are using. If it’s of low quality, you will not feel the freshness, but if it’s of a good quality detergent, it will give you a fresh feel.
